After 10 years, more low power radio is closer than ever

After 10 years, our movement of organizers, leaders in arts and immigration rights, youth, families, and elders in every corner of the country, are extremely close to passing a bill that would expand low power FM radio to all our communities. 

In 2000, low power FM radio was limited from most big cities and smaller towns, when the big broadcasters pushed Congress to pass legislation permitting LPFM only in rural places with almost-empty FM dials. Then the FCC proved there was plenty of room for LPFM in big cities and smaller communities – and our march to pass a bill bringing LPFM to everyone who wants it grew and grew.

Because of the pressure you put on legislators, the House of Representatives passed the Local Community Radio Act last December!  Soon after, the Senate Commerce Committee passed its version of the bill, and ‘hotlined’ it, so it could quickly get to the President’s desk.

When a few Senators expressed concerns with the LPFM bill – a process called “holding” – the bill was kept in limbo, unable to proceed.  Even worse – the rules of the Senate meant that the “holders” weren’t public – we had to call dozens of offices to find out who had concerns with low power FM.  But community leaders like you – church pastors, emergency responders, and others – were able to lift a number of holds on the bill.

Of 100 Senators’ offices, 97 say they are not holding the bill. If you live or have friends in Wyoming, Kentucky, or Kansas, let us know, so your Senators can hear from you that you support low power FM radio and expanding it nationwide. And if you don’t live in those states, your voices matter too as we come to the finish line for bringing LPFM home!  Many other Senators and House members will need to stand up and stand strong to make sure LPFM passes this year. Email to let her know if you can speak up for Senate Bill 592, the Local Community Radio Act!